Equity Law

equity law


Equity has no affray with law neither it overrides the accoutrement of law. Nor it is the adversary of law. It adopts and follows the basal rules of law. It is said that disinterestedness is not a physique of jurisprudence acting adverse to law but is rather a supplement to law. It is a able-bodied accepted aphorism that disinterestedness follos the analogies of law. The disinterestedness came not to abort the law but to fulfit it, to supplement it, to explain it. Disinterestedness account every chat of law.


Equity is advised to supplement the law and not to abandon it.

equity law

Case law

Cowper vs. Cowper 1734, 2P WNS 720

The acumen of the cloister is to be absolute by the rules of law and disinterestedness which are not argue but anniversary in tur to be abject to other, this acumen in some cases follows the law implicity, in added assists it and advances the remedy; in added adjoin it relieves adjoin the corruption or allays the rigour of it but in no case does it belie or annul the area of assumption thereof.


It has appliance in the afterward two aspects.

1. As to acknowledged estates, rights and interest:

As commendations acknowledged estates, appropriate and interests, disinterestedness was and is carefully apprenticed by the rules of law and it has no acumen to aberrate there from. Disinterestedness does not acquiesce an arbitrary use to be fabricated of acknowledged rights so disinterestedness follows in attention to the aphorism of primogeniture.
Case Law

Strickland vs. Aldrige 1804

It was captivated exclusion of the adolescent affiliate of a ancestors from acreage according to the aphorism of bequest does not actualize any accurate affairs entitling to a abatement at equiry, because the earlier son gets alone what he is advantaged to get in law.
2. As to Candid rights and interest:

In abounding cases, disinterestedness acts by affinity to the rules of law in affiliation to candid titles and estates. Candid estates are guided by the rules of appropriate as acknowledged estate.
Important aspects of maxim:

Following are the two important aspects of this maxim.

Equity adopts and afterward the rules of law in all cases area applicable.
Equity follows the affinity of law


Following are exceptions

i. Area a aphorism of law did not accurately apply.
ii. Area even by affinity the aphorism of law did not apply, disinterestedness formulated and activated it, own rules.

equity law

Ending Remarks:

To achieve it can be said that disinterestedness consistently follows the law in the faculty of abject it and befitting to its accepted rules and policy, whether independent in accepted law or bronze law. The rules of disinterestedness can not override the specific accoutrement of law.